From the Future With Love Mini-series written and directed by K-Michel Parandi. Featuring a world where public law enforcement becomes private. A world disturbingly similar to the one we live in.Our mission is to awaken the Sovereignty within the human race by providing housing, education, living wages, food forests, sustainable energy systems, and techniques for conscious expansion to everyone. We move toward this ideal by creating and promoting a variety of products and services that support and enable evermore beings to step into their joy and abundance while serving the whole of humankind.
Some of our offerings include: Energy technologies that reduce our members monthly utility bills while supporting a cleaner environment; Crypto Currency services that increase our financial abundance and freedom; Social media services that spread awareness of the truth while paying the messenger; A complete spectrum of affordable super-foods that uplift and enhance the body and mind; Food forests that self sustain and expand upon themselves, Automated high density food production technologies, Artificially Intelligent software, and Healing services such as massage, sound healing, neurolingustic therapy, and tantra.
By channeling the resources we create into humanitarian organizations that are actively implementing global solutions we are choosing to become part of a rapidly growing movement of beings acting for the greatest good of the planet.
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