Thursday, July 28, 2016

About Excite for Life


Watch this video to find out the Easiest Ways to be Healthy and to get your FREE Ebook – BURN FAT- The shocking secrets to burning fat immediately
Download your FREE Ebook Here

Excite for Lifes channel brings to you educational videos each month featuring Superfoods. Showing you why superfoods are so great for our heath and how to use them easily in our day to day lives.
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You must have been living under a rock if you don’t know just how important it is to get your daily quota of nutrients…
Just consider these facts:
Over 50% of brits are overweight or obese
Over 150,000 people die each year of killer diseases yet 30,000 of these are entirely preventable
58% of brits feel constantly fatigued and tired
These are some disturbing statistics… and they have a direct correlation to the lack of nutrients in our food. .
Of course, over the last 40 years, the nutrition value in food has declined because of soil depletion, over farming and using GMO…
Organic and natural food items are still our best bet to fight diseases and keep us healthy.

Did you know we need over 30 vitamins and minerals every day just to maintain our health… That’s a lot of nutrients to eat on a daily basis
But then, who has the time to go shopping every other day to buy fresh vegetables and fruit , let alone prepare it all
Which is why most of our healthy food ends up going smelly in the fridge and getting wasted…
Because… No-one HAS THE TIME!
That is why Excite for Life is giving you an easy solution to get the nutrition your body needs…

We call these Superfoods!

Our EFSA approved Organic Superfoods are packed full of the vitamins and minerals that are vital for the body to function properly.
They can easily be used daily in your smoothies and water… meaning you get peace of mind that your giving your body what it needs to be healthy .
The cool drying process means that all the nutrients are locked in so you can keep them in the fridge for upto a year! No more wasting money on vegetables that go out of date in the fridge
Also save time without having to go shopping for it all….
And the best part….
Well… our products come with full nutritional labelling that will help you keep track of the exact amount of nutrition that you’re consuming.

So if you really feel that you need to do more about your health… getting the right nutrient intake… every day…

Get a stock of our Organic Superfoods today

Or Sign up now for your FREE ebook – The Shocking Secrets to Burning Fat Immediately .

The post About Excite for Life appeared first on Spirulina.

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